
Monday, September 14, 2015


Assalamualaikum.. First of all, i'm very grateful to Allah because give the opportunity to me to stay alive in this world. Today, i want to share with all of you about ways to "BOOST YOUR BRAIN POWER". We as a human need to know very well about our brain.There are a few question that we need to know about our brain like do you eat with your brain in mind? Do you take protective measures to keep your mind nimble well into old age? Do you pamper or do you abuse your brain? I'm very sure that all of you might be answer all of this question right??? Here, i want to provide a few ways on how to boost your brain power: KNOW YOUR BRAIN 1) Understand the importance of your brain 2) Envision Your Brain 3) Honor with Your brain 4) undersatnd how your brain works 5) Embrace the whole package
PROTECT YOUR BRAIN 1) take responsibility on your brain 2) think holistically 3) Don't smoke 4) Limit the consumption of caffeine 5) Get plenty of sleep 6) limit high-fat foods 7) understand Alzheimer's 8) Avoid chronic stress I think, this is the tips that i want to share with all of you today...Till we meet again..assalamualaikum

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